SPINNER belongs to a large number of associations, all of which actively strive to establish and uphold the highest possible standards of industry.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Munich and Upper BavariaKatharina König, Managing Director of SPINNER GmbH, is vice president of the chamber and belongs to its Committee for Manufacturing of Electronic and Optical Products;Stephanie Spinner-König, Chairman of the Board of SPINNER GmbH chairs the supervisory board of the IHK-Gesellschaft of the Foreign Trade Committee
Climate Protection Business Network
SPINNER is one of the founding members of the Climate Protection Business Network, the "Unternehmensnetzwerk Klimaschutz". The members are actively involved in a Germany-wide network that aims to promote corporate climate protection. The corporate network is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection as part of the National Climate Protection Initiative. The DIHK Service GmbH of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce is the organiser of this project.
Bavarian Industry AssociationThe Bavarian Industry Association (vbw – Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e.V.) is a voluntary interest group that supports Bavarian industry across multiple sectors.
DKE – German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDESPINNER is a member of the Working Group on Passive HF and Microwave Components.
VDE – Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies
SPINNER belongs to the Technical Committee on Radio Systems and Microwave Technology.
VDI - Association of German EngineersSPINNER is a member of the Technical Committee on Terahertz Systems.
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersA worldwide professional organization for electrical and information technology engineers.SPINNER is involved in the projects to standardize coaxial connectors and waveguides for frequencies above 100 GHz.
bayern photonics e.V.
bayern photonics is a cluster initiative of companies and research and education institutions engaged in supporting optical technologies in Bavaria
5G Media Action Group
The 5G Media Action Group is a cross-industry organization. It provides a framework for stakeholders to collaborate on a market-driven implementation of 5G solutions capable of meeting the requirements for the production and distribution of audiovisual media content and services.
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SPINNER GmbHErzgießereistr. 3380335 MunichGermany
info@spinner-group.comPhone +49 (89) 12601-0